Dev Log 1.4: Another Brief Update


A little update again from me. My pain is finally over. The big scene is effectively finished. I have 14 more renders to do for it, but they are all posed. The downside? 13 of them will take ~3 hours to render. But the manual work is now done, at least.

What does this mean? Firstly, that I'll be able to give better updates moving forward. There is one scene, at the end of the chapter, which is broken down into sections as the one I just finished was, but won't be nearly as long or arduous to work through, and every other scene is comparably small, meaning that my dev logs will actually be able to report on progress. I'll be as transparent as possible each time. There's 31 scenes, of varying length, left to render in Chapter 2, and when I do these progress reports I'll now be able to start ticking these off essentially.

Looking forward (and I know it's optimistic to do this with chapter 2 not even out yet), I have been planning out future chapters. Chapter 3 is pretty much fully story-boarded, for lack of a better term, and some of it is written. Chapters 4 and 5 are not as concretely story-boarded, but I do know exactly when they start and finish, and most of what comes in between - it's just the order of events etc. that needs to be ironed out. Also, intriguingly enough, Chapter 6 is completely written. Yeah, I know. Weird, right? Assuming I stick to my guns, Chapter 6 is the biggest risk of a Chapter in the game, in terms of the reaction it may generate. But I'm okay with that. And we're still far away from that anyway, but I thought it would be interesting to say considering I finished it this past week.

The other fun thing that comes from moving onto different scenes is that I'll once again be previewing things from next dev log, which will probably be a couple of weeks from now assuming all goes well. I'm excited to see what progress I'll be able to make in that time towards completing the chapter.


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I played your game a while ago, I recently remembered it and went looking for it and saw that it hadn't been updated until I thought you had abandoned it, I'm happy to know that you're committed to bringing an update, your game is very good, good luck with the development.

Thanks so much for the kind words, it's nice to hear that you found the game memorable and enjoyable enough to come back to, despite the lack of update. I hope that when Chapter 2 comes you will enjoy that as well, and rest assured I'm in no way heading towards abandoning the project. I'm too excited about what's coming for that to happen. I'm very hopeful that future updates past Chapter 2 won't take as long as this one has, but either way I'm very committed to this project. It'll get finished at some point no matter what, and I'd love to be able to release updates much quicker, as there's so much story still to tell, but as with a lot of DAZ projects I am at the mercy of render times (as well as just how much time I personally can invest).

Thanks again for your comment, I appreciate that you liked Chapter 1, and hope that what's to come is worth the wait.

The main thing is that you already have the story, the rest is just a matter of time. ✌